2025 Official Tournament Rules.

THE FINAL 2025 Rules will be provided in your Captain’s Packets
and updated here by Sunday, July 13 at Midnight should there be
any changes made prior to lines in on Monday, July 14, 2025.

Updates will be provided throughout the year. 

1.Registration: Entry registration for the tournament should be completed on CatchStat, the official registration partner of Jimmy Johnson’s Championship Fishing Week. Forms and fees should be paid online on CatchStat, but can also be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to Fish Hard Events at 7150 SW 139th St, Miami, Fl 33158 via a paper entry form provided by tournament officials.  Checks are to be made payable to Fish Hard Events and will only be accepted prior to July 6, 2025.  Registration and Packet Pick Up at the Kick Off must be paid by cash, Mastercard, Visa or American Express. Checks will not be accepted on July 13, 2025.  All entry fees are not refundable for any reason.  For questions regarding registration, call (305) 255-3500.


2.Entry Forms/Online Registration: Entry forms/online registration are to be completed by all participants with appropriate fees and registration information and can be completed with the assistance of a member of the tournament officials committee. Officials in the Jimmy Johnson’s Atlantic City Quest for the Ring Championship Fishing Week (JJFISHWEEKAC) reserve the right to refuse application or entry into the tournament at their discretion with or without cause. As a condition for the entry into JJFISHWEEKAC, by registering and paying for this tournament, in any capacity, the captain and/or owner agrees that all anglers, participants, and occupants of their boat agree to be bound by all tournament rules and waive their right to trial, with or without a formal protest being filed at any point, should any issues arise due to the prize structure, tournament rules, final payout standings, purse disbursements, and any and all details related to the JJFISHWEEKAC pre, post, and during tournament week details that include, but are not limited to the promotions of the tournament, the tournament competition, the post tournament standings and results, and any additional forms of details in which the JJFISHWEEKAC is being showcased.


3.Date & Location: Tournament competition will be held July 14-18,2025. Tournament kick off, to include registration and boat packet pick up as well as the official captain’s meeting, will be held Sunday, July 13. There will be two packet pick up options available in both Atlantic City, NJ and Ocean City, MD. A representative from your team SHOULD be present at the Captain’s meeting. If the team is checking in in Ocean City, MD, there will be a live stream of the captains meeting in Ocean City, MD. There will be a sign in sheet to confirm in which location you attend. Monday, July 14-Friday, July 18 will be the official competition days and the weekend will include the gifting experience and closing awards bash.  You may stay anywhere you would like and leave from anywhere you would like, but you must fish inside the boundary and the weigh station will only be available at the Frank S. Farley Marina at the Golden Nugget, also referred to as the Golden Nugget Marina, or at Sunset Marina in Ocean City, MD for those who are registered to weigh in there. Events will occur all week in Atlantic City only near the marina as well as at partner hotel properties.

4.IGFA Rules: JJFISHWEEKAC is an IGFA certified tournament. IGFA Rules apply to the JJFISHWEEKAC tournament unless otherwise noted in the following rules. In the event of a conflict between JJFISHWEEKAC rules and IGFA rules, the JJFISHWEEKAC rules will apply.  Should any conflicts arise, all decisions of the tournament officials are final with or without a protest being filed.

5. Captain’s Meeting and RulesYou are responsible to know the rules regarding each category set forth in the prize structure and the way in which you are eligible to win the prize disbursements available within each category set forth in the prize structure, without exception, prior and during the competition leading into the final results. The Captain’s Meeting is the final chance to confirm any questions or clarifications needed for each category set forth in the prize structure and any questions in regards to how a category is scored and won. Should any conflicts arise, all decisions of the tournament officials are final.

6.Prize Structure: The overall tournament prize structure is based on a hybrid payout, which includes a guaranteed $100,000 payout for teams who participated in early entry and an accruing prize structure with payouts available based on boat entry. See entry prize structure for details on the prize structure breakdown, available on the tournament website and provided to tournament participants. The number of boats entered is based on paid general entries. Prize structure and guarantees are subject to changes per the guarantor up until Monday, July 14, 2024 at 7:30AM. An estimated prize structure will be provided in your packet at packet pick up on Sunday, July 13th.
7.Eligible Species for JJFISHWEEKAC:  Blue Marlin, White Marlin (Hatchet Marlin), Sailfish, Tuna (Big Eye & Yellowfin), Dolphin, and Wahoo.
8.Maximum Anglers:  All anglers must be listed on CatchStat or a list must provided to tournament officials committee prior to the start of tournament competition on Monday, July 14 to be entered into CatchStat. There is no limit on anglers. Additional crewmembers or mates may accompany the team if desired.  Any teams with angler changes or substitutions must notify a member of the tournament officials committee prior to the start of fishing on each competition day in order for the angler to be eligible to participate and for their fish to be counted. Participants cannot be registered as a captain, mate, or angler on more than one boat. While there is no limit on anglers, each boat is eligible for 6 team gifting experiences during the tournament gifting day and 6 official tournament shirts. Additional tournament gifts are available for purchase.
9.Maximum Lines: There is no maximum number of lines.
10.Tackle:  All fish must be caught on rod and reel.  Max test line is manufactured stated 130 lb. No electric reels with the exception of teaser reels, dredge reels or downriggers. All teams must use a non-offset circle hook in the tournament with the exception of artificial lures, which may use J-Hooks.  IGFA Rules apply to all double line and leader for respective line pound test. No live bait is allowed.
11.Bait & Bait Fishing: There is no live bait allowed and no stopping to cast by tailing fish or bait balls. Fish hooked when your boat is stopping to fight a hooked fish are allowed. The use of Chub Mackerel or Atlantic Mackerel is prohibited. The use of green sticks is not permitted. No spreader bars and no danglers with hooks.
12.Hook & Catch: Hook and hand is permitted with the following stipulations: Once a fish is hooked, it must immediately be handed off to the angler. That angler must then fight the fish to completion, either lost, boated, or released. A rod holder may be used to hook a fish, but not when fighting a fish.
13.Tournament Channel: The tournament officials committee will operate on channel 74.  Channel 68 will be used as an alternate.  The tournament channel is reserved for specific announcements and the report of angler catches and releases.  All discussions among competitors should be conducted on alternate channels.

GOLDEN NUGGET MARINA CHANNEL: If staying or weighing in at the Golden Nugget Marina, the marina monitors channel 65A, which can be used for all slip needs, fuel, ice delivery, and all other marina related needs whether it be for check in when you arrive at the marina, during the tournament, fuel needs if just passing through, or checking out at the end of the tournament.

OCEAN CITY, MD – SUNSET MARINA CHANNEL: The marina monitors channel 74, the same channel as the tournament.

14.Boundaries: The north and south boundaries have been updated for 2024.

  • The north boundary is 39°41.186 N  72°23.433 W
  • The south boundary is 36°55.006 N  74°37.956 W

A boat may not travel more than 125NM offshore. A boat may exit the boundaries when fighting a fish. Turn on your GPS tracking if you are fighting a fish and are close to leaving the boundaries.  You must video your GPS showing your coordinates and the angler fighting the fish. We need indisputable proof that you hooked the fish inside the boundaries. You may not go back to fishing until you are back inside the boundaries.

15.Check-Out: JJFISHWEEKAC will not have a land based check-out location.  The tournament is dock of choice. At the start of fishing each day, all teams must video the time and their GPS coordinates to confirm that they are within the stated boundaries for the tournament.  The video must have the correct time and date stamp. Be sure to initialize all video recording devices you may use throughout the day. If you have to change video recording devices, all new devices need to be initialized. Video must show time, date, GPS location, and boat number.  Boats may not deploy any lines in the water until they are within the stated boundaries. Boats may not deploy Omni Sonar transducers or any other brand of Omni Sonar until 7:30AM at Lines in.
16.Lines-In: Lines in the water at 7:30AM on all fishing days. Boats may not leave the marina or your dock of choice before 2AM on each day of fishing. Boats may leave anytime after 2AM.
17.Lines-Out: Lines out of the water are at 3:30PM on all fishing days.

18.Check-In: Boats with fish to be weighed or release cards and video memory cards to turn in must do so by 9:00pm on each of the fishing days. There will be two official check-in locations: Golden Nugget Marina in Atlantic City, NJ near dock E at the weigh station and also one at Sunset Marina in Ocean City, MD. Dropbox upload is available for the Catch & Release teams and details will be provided at Sunday’s Packet Pick Up. All boats do not have to check in at the end of the fishing day, but they must return to a dock at the completion of each day of fishing. Boats not having any fish to report may not stay offshore for the night.

If you have fish to weigh, you must weigh the fish on the day you catch it at the official weigh station at the Golden Nugget in Atlantic City, NJ or at Sunset Marina in Ocean City, MD. Each fish weighed in must be brought up to the official check-in locations, the weigh station at the Golden Nugget Marina or at Sunset Marina, by a representative from your team. Each fish being weighed in must be recorded on your daily catch card and you must provide coinciding video of the catch on a video memory card as part of the check-in process. The daily catch card and your video memory card should be brought to check-in in the provided daily bags available in your Captain’s packet to the CatchStat representative at the official check-in location, prior to close of check-ins at 9PM.

If you released any fish, you are required to turn in the release cards and coinciding video on your video memory cards at the official check-in location in order for the fish to count. Your day of release cards and coinciding video memory card must be provided in the provided bag in your Captain’s packet to the CatchStat representative at the official check-in location prior to close of check-ins at 9PM.

A CatchStat representative will verify each card. Should there be a line during the verification process, the CatchStat representative will keep a sign in list to ensure you are checked in prior to 9PM. Each CatchStat representative will test the video memory card to ensure the videos are readable to be viewed by the tournament committee officials as confirmation and proof of your catches and/or releases. The videos will be fully reviewed that evening.

The CatchStat representative will also verify the date/time stamp to ensure the videos were taken on the correct day. If the video memory card is not functioning, the tournament officials committee reserves the right to allow the team to provide a secondary form of video proof. Secondary evidence for verification can be done by any means deemed necessary and allowed by the tournament officials committee. Refer to rule #31 for further information on video requirements.

For any releases, Online Check-In is available via Dropbox upload on all fishing days. If you are using the online check-in via Dropbox to upload your video and release cards, you must provide visual evidence to the tournament committee officials that you are tied up at the dock and you have started your upload prior to 9:00PM. This must be done by taking a picture of your boat tied up in the slip and a picture of your computer screen showing your upload has started. These pictures must be texted to the Tournament Director or a CatchStat representative prior to 9:00pm. Tournament officials’ information will be provided in your boat packet available at Sunday’s Registration and Packet Pick Up. If a tournament committee official does not receive these two photos by cut-off, your fish will not count. If you are in contention, it is advisable to turn in your video memory cards to a check-in point to ensure the tournament committee officials received them on time.

It is each boats responsibility to get your release videos, release cards, and fish in on time to be weighed. All video memory cards and release cards must be brought in on the boat in which they were caught. Names will be recorded by the CatchStat representative at the official check-in location. You may not pass video memory cards and release cards to another vessel to bring in for you.  In the event of a boat mechanical breakdown, you must still be in on time.

If the tournament committee officials have trouble viewing your video or have questions about your video, the tournament officials reserve the right to give the team the opportunity to provide another device or mechanism to view the team’s videos of their releases given that the original video memory cards were provided to the CatchStat representative on time. Additionally, each captain needs to be available anytime throughout the evening of each fishing day to connect with the tournament officials and bring any additional evidence requested, should the need exist given again, that the original video memory cards were provided to the CatchStat representative on time. This could include, but not limited to, a cell phone, GoPro, the camera used, or any secondary video evidence available that can assist in verifying a release.

19.Weather: In the event that weather conditions arise deemed unsafe for the average registered boat, by the tournament committee officials, the tournament schedule may be altered to accommodate the best weather & fishing conditions available to participating teams.  Any schedule adjustment due to inclement weather will be made at the sole discretion of the tournament committee officials.  Best effort will be made to achieve the original fishing format on the scheduled week of the tournament.  In the circumstance, as determined by the tournament committee officials, where one or more of the fishing days may be unachievable, the tournament can and may be decided by an adjusted daily format.  Only one day needs to be fished by at least one boat to make the tournament official and for prizes to be awarded. JJFISHWEEKAC reserves the right to cancel the tournament at any time and reserves the right to extend the tournament at any time. Captains, anglers, and all other members of registered boats must determine in their own judgment whether to fish under the given conditions based on factors including but not limited to the seaworthiness of their boat and their own seamanship.
20.Competition Days: The schedule calls for hours of fishing from 7:30am to 3:30pm on each day of fishing on Monday, July 14, Tuesday, July 15, Wednesday, July 16, Thursday, July 17, and Friday, July 18. Teams are allowed to fish a maximum of three out of five eligible fishing days. Best effort will be made to ensure the full fishing schedule is met for each day of competition.  Should inclement weather or any other force majeure condition occur that limits the tournament to any days less than the listed days of fishing, the daily calcutta money allocated from any cancelled days will be reallocated to the teams that won the daily calcutta for the full days of competition.  All other general prize and optional calcutta money will be paid according to standard procedure based on the standings from the days of fishing. Tournament committee officials reserve the right to use their best discretion to reallocate the prize structure, should any changes be needed throughout the tournament.
21. Lay Day Declaration: Teams may fish any of the three out of five available fishing days (Captain’s Choice). Lay Days must be designated by a team member by 7:30AM on the day being declared as a lay day, otherwise the boat is going to be recorded as fishing that day. Fun fishing is permitted on lay days,but prohibited before or after tournament hours. In the event that a boat does not notify JJFISHWEEKAC by 7:30AM on the non-fishing day or fun fishing day, tournament directors reserve the right to declare the boat as not-fishing or fun fishing or fishing on that day.

There are two ways to declare your lay day to the tournament committee:

  1. Log into your team’s CatchStat account and on your account, there will be a tab to declare your fishing days so we can designate your lay days.
  2. As a backup, should you have issues logging into your CatchStat account, please text David Garcia from CatchStat at 954-650-8488 or Bric Peeples, Tournament Director, at 305-282-1006, prior to 7:30AM on the day being declared as a lay day. You must receive a confirmation from David or Bric if you are texting in, in order to be recorded properly for your lay day declaration.
22. Flying Devices: The use of drones, planes, ultra lights, helicopters or any of this type of flying device used for observing the fishing grounds is prohibited. You may NOT have any of these aerial devices flying around looking for anything during tournament days. Including looking for fish, water conditions, other boats, etc.. This is grounds for immediate disqualification from the tournament. If you suspect someone is doing this; take a picture so we have something to track it with. Type of flying machine, color, tail numbers; anything to help track the owner will be important to prove any discretions and disqualifications.
23. Chumming: No chumming or chunking of any kind is allowed. Having another person or persons in another boat set up current from you and chum in any manner is prohibited. This is grounds for disqualification.
24.Protests:  A formal written protest is the only form of appeal available in JJFISHWEEKAC in regards to any related tournament issues or complaints. A protest may only be filed by a registered angler, registered crew member, or tournament director. In order to raise a complaint or issue with the tournament, a formal written protest must be filed within a timely matter stated below in order for the tournament committee to review and take action on any said complaint or issue. All protests related to the tournament competition and any and all related tournament issues in regards to, but not limited to, tournament promotions, prize structure, competition related issues, and prize standings along with final prize standings, must be submitted in writing along with $1000 cash or check to the tournament officials by 10PM on the day of fishing in which you are protesting. If you are protesting any tournament procedure or results or anything additional in regards to JJFISHWEEKAC and the event week, no protest will be accepted after 12:30AM on Saturday, July 19, 2025. All results will be deemed final at that time. Protests in regards to competition issues must be made based on firsthand eyewitness information from the team or individual filing the protest and can only be submitted by a registered tournament participant with firsthand eyewitness information. All participants agree and acknowledge by their participation that if a protest is filed in regards to any issues related to JJFISHWEEKAC as a result of competition, promotions, prize structure, and any and all JJFISHWEEKAC event week affiliated promotional pages and details provided, the protest shall be the sole remedy for any and all disputes arising from the competition or any issues related to JJFISHWEEKAC Event week as a whole during the pre, post, and during the event week. All registered participants expressly waive their right to trial and all decisions of the tournament officials regarding protests, prize structure, tournament promotions, and any details related to competition and purse disbursements are final. Any person filing an unsuccessful protest will reimburse JJFISHWEEKAC for all costs and fees incurred by JJFISHWEEKAC, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, relating to the protest and/or any litigation involving the same subject matter or related matters as the protest. In the event of a successful protest, the person who was the subject of the protest shall pay JJFISHWEEKAC $1000 and reimburse JJFISHWEEKAC for all costs and fees incurred by JJFISHWEEKAC, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, relating to the protest and/or any litigation involving the same subject matter or related matters as the protest. Reasonable attorney’s fees include, but are not limited to, providing legal advice, and investigation of legal matters in conjunction with any protest as well as legal fees for any litigation involved in the matter, whether formal protest has been filed or not. In no event shall JJFISHWEEKAC be liable to any person for any attorneys’ fees or costs. If the prize money in dispute is insufficient to pay JJFISHWEEKAC’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, each Participant in the litigation shall be jointly and severally liable to pay JJFISHWEEKAC’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs. In any event that litigation is required, any JJFISHWEEKAC’s attorneys’ fees or costs will be paid out of the prize money and reimbursed by any Participant who has taken a position in any disputes related to the protest or any matter in question.
25.Polygraph: By entering the tournament, all participants, to include, but not limited to, captains, anglers, and occupants of their boats voluntarily consent to submit to a polygraph examination as deemed necessary by tournament officials.  All decisions of the polygraph examiner will be final and are not eligible to be protested.  Participants chosen to be polygraphed may not have consumed drugs or alcohol prior to the polygraph exam. If there are any captains, angler, or occupants of a registered boat refusing to take a polygraph or if they provide untruthful answers as determined by the examiner, the entire team will be subject to disqualification from the tournament without further notice.  Such a disqualification will eliminate payment or provision of any or all prize money, awards, and/or refund of entrance fees. All decisions, from tournament committee officials, of disqualifications based on polygraph issues are final and are not eligible to be protested. Boats winning money are to be prepared to be subject to a polygraph pending on tournament committee officials decisions. Polygraphs will only be given in Atlantic City, NJ on Saturday, July 19, 2025.
26.Tournament Discretion: All tournament committee officials reserve the right to implement his or her discretion at any time during the tournament as it may apply to the rules or any other circumstance that should arise during the course of the event.
27.Release: All participants, to include but not limited to, registered captains, anglers and occupants of their registered boats consent that tournament officials may use without payment or restriction, any photographs or video in which he or she appears for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to resale, advertising and promotional material.
28.Hold Harmless: It is expressly understood that all registered participants and non-registered occupants of their boats enter into the events in Fish Hard Events, Inc., dba Jimmy Johnson Quest for the Ring™ Championship Fishing Week, Quest for the Ring™, Jimmy Johnson’s Atlantic City Quest for the Ring Championship Fishing Week, JJFISHWEEKAC, or JJFISHWEEK, voluntarily and at their own risk. Further, each registered and non-registered participant on behalf of other family members and/or executors agrees to release and hold harmless Jimmy Johnson, Fish Hard Events, Inc., Golden Nugget Casino, Hotel & Marina, Atlantic City Sports Commission, Meet AC, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City, Seminole Gaming, Hard Rock International, Contender, Yamaha, , CI Foundation, and CI Management Group, Inc, its officers, directors, owners, members, representatives, agents, employees, independent contractors, volunteers, promoters, advertisers, sponsors, partners, joint ventures, affiliates, assigns, polygraph examiner, the city and county where the events are held and all other persons connected directly or indirectly with the operation of any event under Fish Hard Events Inc (collectively, “Released and Indemnified Parties”) from any and all claims, losses, damages, demands, causes of action, suits and liabilities of every kind arising out of, related to, or resulting from the tournament, activity or event, including but not limited to all events in the Jimmy Johnson Quest for the Ring Tournament, including without limitation, any claim for loss, damage or destruction of property, or injury (including death), regardless of whether such loss arises in whole or in part from the negligence of any Released and Indemnified Party. This release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as possible under applicable law, and if any portion of this release is held invalid or unenforceable, the balance shall continue in full force and legal effect. Jurisdiction over the tournament shall be exclusively that of the tournament committee. All parties agree to be bound by the tournament committee officials’ decisions without exception.
29. Agreement: By registering for this tournament, the captain and/or owner agrees that all anglers, participants, and occupants of their boat along with their guests attending will abide by all tournament rules.
30.Winnings: All winners are required to provide their social security number or FEIN number prior to receiving any awards.  Awards and prize money will be withheld as required by law if a social security number or FEIN number is not presented to the tournament committee officials in the form of a W9. Prize money is typically awarded and mailed out 45 days after receiving the W9.


31. Weighted Prizes: For the purpose of this tournament, the following fish will count towards the weighted prizes:  Blue Marlin, White Marlin (Hatchet Marlin and Round Scale Spearfish will be considered White Marlin), Tuna (Yellow Fun and Big Eye), Dolphin, and Wahoo. All weighted categories are won by single heaviest fish weighed in unless otherwise specified as an aggregate weighted category.
32. Compliance: All Boats must comply with New Jersey State rules and federal laws and Maryland State rules and federal laws pertaining to Anglers, boating license requirements and any minimum size requirements listed by New Jersey laws and Maryland laws. The local and federal fishing laws and requirements will not be grounds for disqualification, but you could be liable for fines or other penalties by law enforcement officials.

33. Mutilated Fish: Any fish, determined by the tournament committee officials to be mutilated, will be disqualified. The fish must be brought to the scale in good condition. If the fish is gaffed and subdued boatside and then gets mutilated while trying to boat the fish, it will be disqualified. You must have video rolling on all boated fish to verify. Video must start once the mate touches the leader and continue through the entire boating process. If the fish is gaffed and subdued boatside and then gets mutilated while trying to boat the fish, it will be disqualified. Mutilation of a fish can be by numerous sources; sharks, other fish, props, if a fish escapes before being gaffed or boated and is recaptured by any method not outlined in angling regulations, or anything that penetrates the fish’s skin or removes flesh. The fish must come in the boat without any mutilations. Gaff holes, line scars, old wounds, or regeneration deformities are not considered mutilation. Cookie cutter shark bites and squid bite marks will disqualify a fish. Any fish not meeting the length requirements or deemed mutilated by the weighmaster, will not be weighed in, even for pictures.

34. Weigh Station Locations: All fish must be checked in at our main weigh in at the Frank S. Farley Marina at the Golden Nugget, also referred to as the Golden Nugget Marina, or at Sunset Marina, if you are pre-registered to weigh in at this marina. Boats must follow all of the same rules set forth at both Golden Nugget Marina and Sunset Marina as designated by the tournament staff.

35. Weigh Station Times: The weigh stations will be open from 5:00PM – 9:00PM on all fishing days. Any fish brought to the scale after 9:00PM will not be weighed.  Weighed fish may be brought in by car but must be at the scale and checked in on time to the CatchStat representative or subsequent weigh station management, not in the parking lot. A tournament official will acknowledge that you are on time so you can wait your turn to weigh in. Team must be clearly visible and in line of sight in any capacity from the weigh in station and acknowledged by the CatchStat representative before 9:00PM.

For Blue Marlin: If you are fighting a blue marlin after hours, you must bring the fish back to the dock and weigh in immediately after boating. You must also declare any other fish onboard to weigh in. Be sure to let other boats know you are hooked up. Make a note on your catch card who confirmed your hook up. Also, let the other boat know of any other fish you may have in the boat to be weighed in.

36. Weigh In Reporting & Procedures: 
  • Minimum Size requirements for eligible species include:
    • Blue Marlin 105 “
    • White Marlin 68”
    • Tuna 45 lbs
    • Dolphin 10 lbs
    • Wahoo 10 lbs
  • IGFA Rules will apply with the exception of rules specific to this tournament.
  • The tournament limits each boat to weighing in only 3 of each species of fish per day during the tournament week.
  • The official length of the fish will be determined by the tournament weigh master using an official tournament tape measurer.
  • All official tournament scales are certified and calibrated by IWS Certification center and are IGFA approved.
  • In the event of a malfunction in the primary weighing system, the tournament shall switch to a certified calibrated backup system as needed.
  • All weights registered on any of the official tournament weighing systems will be considered official.
  • All final weights will be signed off and approved by a representative of each team. The final weight as declared by the weigh master will be considered the official weight.
37. Video and Call in Requirements for all weighted prizes: Any boat fighting a fish eligible to be weighed in must put it on the radio that they are hooked up and you should video every fish being boated to be weighed in. Your video must be rolling to prove you were hooked prior to lines out. Once the fish is within the leader reach, your video must be rolling. It should be rolling throughout the boating process. You can fight a fish after lines out as long as you were hooked up prior to lines out. Your video will be used as verification that the catch or release of the fish was done on the appropriate the day of competition. These videos will be reviewed nightly by the tournament committee officials to ensure proper process was used. Additionally, the videos will be used in the case of a protest or should a species not be weighed in during the tournament week, the video will be used as back up to confirm and provide release points to that team based on the points criteria listed below.

All species, with the exception of Blue Marlin, must be weighed in at the official weigh station by 9:00PM. Any Blue Marlin hooked up prior to lines out has as long as needed to fight the fish to completion. You must notify another boat of your status prior to lines out. It is preferable for that boat to notify the Tournament committee via phone as soon as you have service or via SAT phone. Your fish will be weighed when you reach the scale.

38. General Entry Prizes: All weighted fish will be awarded one point per pound weighed in. The category will be paid out with the $100,000 guarantee and according to the prize structure is only available to those teams entered in early entry and is won based on the heaviest single fish in each species weighed in overall throughout the official competition days. In the event that a species is not weighed in the general entry, the money from that species will stay within that species. Blue Marlin prize money will be reallocated towards White Marlin. In the event that neither a Blue Marlin or White Marlin are weighed in, the money will be reallocated based on the tournament committee’s discretion across the other species in the general entry. In the event that a Tuna, Wahoo, or Dolphin are not weighed in, the money will also be reallocated based on the tournament committee’s discretion across the other species in the general entry.

39. Calcutta Prizes: You must be entered into the base entry of the tournament in order to enter into any optional Calcutta categories available during the tournament week. All weighted fish will be awarded one point per pound weighed in. The category will be paid out according to the prize structure and is won based on the rules of each Calcutta as listed on the prize structure and below throughout the official competition days.

The Calcutta categories listed are each calculated based on number of boats entered. Each of these categories are paid out based on boat entry and are not part of any guaranteed categories. Each category will be paid out 90% of the total amount paid into the category.

For all calcutta categories, in the event that a species is not caught or a fish does not qualify to be weighed in for teams entered within any of the below categories, 90% of the entry money will be refunded to each of the teams entered in the applicable category with additional options provided by the tournament for future payouts. This will be based on the tournament committee discretion. A reallocation of the Calcutta funds will be considered as a per needed basis at any point throughout the competition or will be considered should it be needed to determine the final results of the tournament competition.

40.White Marlin Calcutta: All weighted fish will be awarded one point per pound weighed in for any boat entered within this category. The category will be paid out according to the prize structure and is won based on the heaviest White Marlin weighed in overall throughout the official competition days.

41. Blue Marlin Calcutta:All weighted fish will be awarded one point per pound weighed in for any boat entered within this category. The category will be paid out according to the prize structure and is won based on the heaviest Blue Marlin weighed in overall throughout the official competition days
42.Tuna Calcutta: All weighted fish will be awarded one point per pound weighed in for any boat entered within this category. The category will be paid out according to the prize structure and is won based on the heaviest Tuna weighed in overall throughout the official competition days.

43.Wahoo and Dolphin Calcutta: All weighted fish will be awarded one point per pound weighed in for any boat entered within this category. The category will be paid out according to the prize structure and is won based on the heaviest Wahoo weighed in overall throughout the official competition days and then heaviest Dolphin weighed in overall throughout the official competition days respectively.

44.Daily Calcutta Prizes: Daily Calcutta categories will be awarded for the three main categories; Blue Marlin, White Marlin, and Tuna. This will be a winner take all prize for each day. The daily will be paid out to the heaviest weighed in fish for each category, for each day, for all five days, according to the tournament prize structure. The daily is listed as paying to 1st and 2nd place. In the event there is only qualifying fish weighed in, the money will be allocated all to 1st place. If there are no fish weighed in on any day, the money will be split across the other four days. If there are no fish weighed in on two days, the money will be split across the days in which a fish was weighed in. If no fish are weighed in throughout the week in a specific category, the entry money will be refunded or reallocated based on details listed in Rule #39.

45.Box of Yellowfin Tuna: This Calcutta category is based on an aggregate weight of fish and will be decided by a team’s heaviest top 3 weighted yellowfin tuna throughout the overall competition days for any boat entered within this category. All weighted fish will be awarded one point per pound weighed in. Teams may not weigh in more than 3 yellowfin tuna per day and the category can be won with less than 3 fish. For example, if a team catches 2 tuna and the total is the heaviest total aggregate weight for the overall tournament competition, that team will win the category. The category will be paid out according to the prize structure.

46.Box of Bigeye Tuna: This optional Calcutta is based on an aggregate weight of fish and will be decided by a team’s heaviest top 3 weighted bigeye tuna throughout the overall competition days for any boat entered within this category. All weighted fish will be awarded one point per pound weighed in. Teams may not weigh in more than 3 bigeye tuna per day and the category can be won with less than 3 fish. For example, if a team catches 2 tuna and the total is the heaviest total aggregate weight for the overall tournament competition, that team will win the category. The category will be paid out according to the prize structure.

47.Catch & Release: This optional Calcutta is a Billfish release division. Registered anglers will receive the following points for release of these billfish species:

Blue Marlin – 400 Points

White Marlin – 150 Points

Sailfish – 100 Points

Unidentifiable Billfish – 100 Points

A hatchet marlin and roundscale spearfish will be considered a white marlin in this tournament and therefore categorized as such.   In the event a teammate, angler, mate, or captain records a fish as a certain species and the tournament committee determines it as a different species, the fish will be scored as the Tournament Committee sees it. The Captain or team representative will be notified. All team prize categories will be awarded based on the team’s overall point standings.  In the event of a tie, winners will be determined by the team that releases their last fish first.

47a. Catch & Release – Billfish Release Criteria:  All billfish must be properly released in order for the points to be scored to the registered angler and his or her team.  The requirements for a release are as follows: (1) The double line and leader must leave the tip of the rod once a strike occurs. (2) At the conclusion of the fight the fish must be brought close enough to the boat for a mate or crewmember to touch the leader, not the double line.  (3) In a continuous sequence, video footage must clearly identify the fish as well as the leader touch by a crew member. (4) Show evidence on video of the leader being cut at the time of release. (5) The fish must be called in to other boats in the surrounding area and the name of the boat verifying the release must be noted on your release card. (6) You must video your angler confirmation after the release. The angler should take your color cards provided in your boat packet , look into the video device, and hold up the color of the day, state their name, and state their boat name and number. The color of the day will be provided at 9:30PM every night prior to the start of the next day of fishing. The color will be sent out from CatchStat via email and text to the primary representative and administrator from Textedly. If you have any issues and do not receive the next days color around that time, please text Dave Garcia at 954-650-8488 or Bric Peeples at 305-282-1006 for confirmation.

47a2. Catch & Release – Video Requirement: Every billfish released in the tournament must be verified by video footage clearly identifying the release.  The first video clip to be shot by all teams should be to initialize the video device daily with the time, date and GPS location at the start of fishing.

Each team is responsible for providing their own video device and the appropriate video memory cards to record video footage that documents the releases on their boat.  Video media will not be provided to teams by the tournament committee officials.  All video must be date and time stamped in order to comply with the tournament rules. Video memory cards are considered the following, but not limited to, SD cards and GoPro memory cards. In the event of a discrepancy or issue, the tournament committee officials reserve the right to request and accept secondary sources of video, to include, but are not limited to, cell phone videos, the actual camera used to shoot video, GoPros, and any other formats the tournament committee deem appropriate as a secondary video format for use as verification for proof of releases for a team. The secondary back up release videos will be used only in the event that there is an issue with the video memory cards appropriately turned in during the times allowed for check-in at the official check-in locations provided and to the designated CatchStat representative at the location selected. In the event of a cell phone, camera, GoPro, or alternative devices being requested by a tournament committee official, the official will call the owner or captain to bring their device to be reviewed at tournament headquarters. The team representative will need to surrender his or her device until the release verification process is complete.

Due to the number of videos, the tournament committee reserves the right to review and disqualify any fish until 9:00PM on the next day of the video submitted that is not deemed to be a proper release or not video recorded and verified properly in accordance with the tournament rules listed.

47a3. Catch & Release – Continuous Video Sequence:  In reference to release requirements in Rule 38C, the Billfish Release Criteria, to ensure the authenticity of the releases, each team is required to maintain a continuous video sequence from the time video evidence of the fish is established up to the time the leader touch is verified on video.  If a break in the footage should occur, the team must reestablish video evidence of the fish again with a continuous video sequence up to the leader touch. In regards to the angler, the angler should remove buffs or face protection, briefly, so the committee can establish the angler’s face.

48.Small Boat Tuna Optional Calcutta: This optional Calcutta is available for entry for boats under 46ft. This will be based on the manufacturers stated length, which is on your boat documentation or registration. The boat cannot be 46ft. It must be under 46ft. The category will be paid out according to the prize structure and is won based on the heaviest tuna weighed in overall throughout the official competition days. All weighted fish will be awarded one point per pound weighed in.

48a.Small Boat Marlin Optional Calcutta: This optional Calcutta is available for entry for boats under 46ft. This will be based on the manufacturers stated length, which is on your boat documentation or registration. The boat cannot be 46ft. It must be under 46ft. The category will be paid out according to the prize structure and is won based on the heaviest marlin weighed in overall throughout the official competition days and will be split between White Marlin and Blue Marlin. In the event one of the species is not caught, the money will roll into the other species. For example, if a Blue Marlin does not qualify and is not weighed in, the money will roll into the white marlin and be paid out as stated to the heaviest white marlin overall and vice versa. All weighted fish will be awarded one point per pound weighed in. In the event that no marlin are caught, the tournament committee will use its discretion to reallocate the money or the prize entered in this Calcutta will be refunded by 90% and additional optionals will be provided by the tournament for future payouts.

49.Non-Sonar Calcuttas: You must be entered into the tournament base entry to be entered into the non sonar boat division categories. This category is only for boats fishing without a sonar. You may have a traditional depth sonar but not an Omni Sonar of any type. The committee reserves the right to inspect your vessel for a sonar at anytime. If an omni type sonar is found, you will be disqualified from the tournament and no refunds will be issued.

To win the Non-Sonar High Points category, it is a total of all points accumulated during a boats three days of fishing. Total points includes release points and all eligible fish weighed in.

The Non-Sonar Blue Marlin and White Marlin calcuttas are won by the largest blue marlin and largest white marlin, respectively, caught on a non-sonar eligible boat entered into these calcuttas.

The Non-Sonar Tuna Calcutta will be paid to the heaviest Big Eye or Yellowfin tuna caught on a non-sonar eligible boat.

The payouts will be based on the prize structure. The tournament reserves the right to make any changes as needed based on weigh ins throughout the tournament. Should no Blue Marlin be caught, the money will be moved to the non-sonar white marlin calcutta. Should no Marlin be caught at all, the Calcutta dollars will be reallocated to the Non-sonar high points calcutta. Should no payout be available, the tournament reserves the right to reallocate as it sees fit or return 90% of the dollars that were entered into the categories with prizes not awarded.

50.High Point Boat: High Point Boat Optional Calcutta category will be determined by overall combined points received for each boat from weighed fish and release points, including Blue Marlin, White Marlin, Tuna, Dolphin, and Wahoo. All weighted fish will be awarded one point per pound weighed in. The tournament limits each boat to weighing in only 3 of each species of fish per day during the tournament week.

51.Inlet Calcuttas: Teams can only enter one inlet Calcutta. The selection of the inlet Calcutta is based on the inlet in which plan to register your boat and pick up your tournament paperwork on Sunday, July 13 and the inlet closest to where you plan to leave from on Day 1 of your tournament fishing. You have a choice of Atlantic City, NJ or Ocean City, MD.

UPDATED Weigh In instructions based on Rule #18: Even if you are registered to one marina, teams can check in and weigh in at EITHER Weigh In location at Golden Nugget Marina or Sunset Marina during the duration of the tournament.

Each of these calcuttas will be paid out 90% of what is paid into the category and will be paid 30% to Heaviest Blue Marlin, 30% to Heaviest White Marlin, 30% to Heaviest Tuna (Big Eye and Yellowfin apply), and 5% to Heaviest Wahoo and 5% to Heaviest Dolphin.

Should there not be a winner in either Calcutta for Blue Marlin, the money will be reallocated to the White Marlin. If there are no qualifying marlin, the money will be rolled over to the heaviest weighed in tuna. If there is no qualifying tuna, wahoo, or dolphin, the tournament reserves the right to reallocate the dollars for either inlet challenge as it sees fit.

52.The Last 15 Minutes: The last 15 minutes of fishing each day, all hook ups must be reported over the VHF that they are hooked up and fighting a fish. The fish can be fought until completion, either released or lost. Be sure your video is rolling and shows the time and date stamp. This will be used to verify you were hooked up prior to lines out of the water. This must be a continuous video sequence with no breaks in footage.


53. Prize Winnings:

JJFISHWEEKAC is a boat tournament and all points accumulated will go to the boat and not the individual anglers in regards to prize winnings. The JJFISHWEEKAC overall winner and recipient of Coach’s famed Championship Rings will be UPDATED FOR 2025 to ensure the ring goes to the BEST TEAM OUT THERE with the MOST SUCCESS in the tournament.

Criteria 1: THE RING will be won by the overall number of points your team generates in the tournament. You must be in the category to have the points count. Points will be counted by 1 point per pound weighed in similar to the all weighted category criteria plus if you are in the release categories, points will be generated based on the criteria set out above.

In the event of a tie, criteria 2 will set in: THE RING will be won by the boat winning the overall most money.

Points will not be double counted for multiple categories.

Should there be any questions in the meantime, please contact:

Fishing Tournament Director: Bric Peeples , 305-282-1006, [email protected]
Event Producer and Tournament Committee Officials: Fish Hard Events, 305-255-3500, [email protected]

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